Find Pride everywhere you look How to Get to the Miami Beach Pride Parade The grand marshal for 2022 is Grammy-winning producer Tracy Young, who has remixed hits for more than 100 artists including Madonna. It has no official ending time, but will transition into the Pride Festival at Lummus Park with live music and DJs. The parade itself will begin on April 10 at noon, starting on Ocean Drive at 5th Street and progressing north to 15th Street. The Miami Beach Pride Parade is the culminating event of the Miami Beach Pride festival, which runs from April 1-10, 2022. Get ready for the Pride Parade on April 10th When and Where is the Miami Beach Pride Parade?
This year’s theme is “No Place Like Home” and, while no one has promised a yellow brick road on Ocean Drive, decking yourself out like Dorothy, the Tin Man or the Wicked Witch of the West wouldn’t be the worst idea. This procession of floats, DJs and outrageous outfits draws upward of 170,000 people to Miami Beach, celebrating everything that’s great about Greater Miami & Miami Beach’s LGBTQ+ community. The Miami Beach Pride Parade is back this spring, returning to Ocean Drive on Apafter taking place in September last year.